Three Things To Expect During Your First Spinal Adjustment Service

18 October 2017
 Categories: , Blog


Spinal adjustment has a wide range of benefits, including the reduction of headaches, the correcting of posture, and the reduction of lower back pain. If you are looking to reap benefits such as these, you will want to schedule an appointment today. Here are three things to expect during that first appointment:

  1. Go Over Medical History: Just as you would give medical information to a new doctor or another health specialist, you will want your chiropractor to know your medical background. After all, your chiropractor works in the health industry and they will need to know what your health is like before giving you any kind of health service. Your chiropractor will especially need to know if you have any issues with the spine, head, or neck. From here, they can create a health plan for you involving your current and future visits with a spinal adjustment. This plan will be safe and ideal for your specific needs and body type. 
  2. Exam: Next, your chiropractor is going to want to be sure that you are healthy enough to follow through with the current plan. Plus, they will want to see if there are other areas of focus that may not have been touched on while discussing medical history. Your chiropractor will also need to gather an understanding of your nerve response just to determine if there will be any issues with certain parts of the treatment. 
  3. Treatment: If there are no concerns, your chiropractor may give you your first treatment right after the exam has been done. Most likely, this will be done in a way to reduce any current pain that you have or improve your range of motion. Pressure is going to be relieved with the spinal adjustment that is most likely going to be done. You can expect to start reaping the benefits of this soon afterward. This gives you a realistic idea as to whether or not this is something you are comfortable with continuing in the future, which is important for scheduling the next appointment. 

When you know what to expect on your first visit, you can come prepared to answer questions about your medical history, as well as being open to discuss what specific reasons you are looking into spinal adjustment. In the end, you are sure to leave feeling highly accomplished with this new medical treatment that is sure to make you feel like a whole new person. 

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